青花瓷是用钴料在胎上绘画后再施透明釉后烧成,属釉下彩。由于钴料具有非常优异的理化性能,粗细浓淡都可人工控制,很适合用毛笔来绘画。因此青花瓷的图案纹饰和传统中国画一脉相承,有异曲同工之妙。 从元代后期青花瓷成熟以来,装饰方法在不断地演化发展着,不但绘画内容有变化,绘画笔法也有变化,一般来说,青花的绘画内容和绘画笔法是相互适应,同步发展的,呈现出明显的阶段性,
Blue and white porcelain is cobalt coated in the fetal application after the transparent glaze firing, under the glaze color. Due to cobalt material has very good physical and chemical properties, thickness can be artificially controlled, it is suitable for painting with a brush. Therefore, the pattern of blue and white porcelain and traditional Chinese painting the same strain, similar to the same purpose. Since the late maturity of Yuan Dynasty, decorative methods have evolved continuously. Not only the content of painting has changed, but also the style of painting. In general, the content of painting and painting of blue-and-white flower adapt to each other and develop synchronously, The stage,