Ninety atypical Yersinia strains were obtained by mutagenesis of virulent anti-plague strains, anti-plague phage, anti-plague serum and acridine yellow artificial medium, and their biological characteristics were studied. A part of atypical Yersinia pestis strains were used as animal (guinea pig) test. The animal model was used to study the time, location, mutation and return process of the bacteriostasis. In this paper, mutagenesis methods and detection methods of atypical Yersinia pestis were established. The epidemiological significance of the atypical Yersinia pestis and the countermeasure of plague prevention as well as the possibility of using the atypical Yersinia pestis as a form for long-term preservation cycle in nature are proposed, and an evaluation method and means are provided for eradicating the natural foci of plague Levy