1928年6月9日,蔡元培在上海东亚酒楼主持国民政府中央研究院第一次院务会议,中央研究院宣告成立,蔡元培任院长。 1948年3月24日,中央研究院代院长兼评议会议长朱家骅在南京总办事处主持第二届评议会第五次会议;会期三天。25日,就第四次会议通过的院士候选人名单(共150人;数理组49人,生物组46人,人文组55人)用无记名投票方式投票,选出第一届院士81人。会议决定:其中数理组28
On June 9, 1928, Cai Yuanpei chaired the first academic meeting of the Central Research Institute of the National Government in Shanghai East Asia Restaurant. The Academia Sinica was proclaimed and Cai Yuanpei was the president. On March 24, 1948, Zhu Jiahua, acting president and parliamentary speaker of the Academia Sinica, presided over the fifth meeting of the second session of the General Assembly in Nanjing. Three days were held. On the 25th, the list of candidates for the academicians (150 in total; 49 in mathematical groups, 46 in biological groups and 55 in cultural groups) was adopted by the Fourth Meeting and 81 members of the first session were elected by secret ballot. The meeting decided: one mathematical group 28