
来源 :物理教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sinoerli
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在初二物理《物体的浮沉条件》一节的教学中,如能结合课文安排一些富有启发性的实验,一方面能让学生得到感性认识而加深印象;另一方面对于培养学生的观察、思维能力也是大为有益的。我在这一节的教学中安排了如下的演示实验:取一只溢水杯装满水。再将一只小烧杯放在托盘天平的左 In the second “Physical Floating Condition of Objects” section in the second year of Physics, if we can arrange some instructive experiments combined with the text, on the one hand, we can make students get perceptual knowledge and deepen the impression; on the other hand, we can cultivate students’ observation and thinking. Ability is also very helpful. In the teaching of this section, I arranged the following demonstration experiment: Take a spill cup filled with water. Put a small beaker on the balance of the tray