2005年10月17日19时06分, 一代文学巨匠巴金永远离开了我们。10月24日,巴金遗体告别仪式在上海龙华殡仪馆举行,前去哀悼的文艺界人士和普通群众达万人之多。下午4点,黑色的灵车在警车的开道下,缓缓驶出龙华殡仪馆。300多米长的列队群众默默地目送巴老远去。巴老的遗体火化后将和爱妻萧珊的骨灰一起撒往东海。近日,全国各地的群众以不同的方式来悼念巴金,纪念这位中国的文坛巨匠。
At 17:05 on October 17, 2005, the great Chinese writer Ba Jin left us forever. On October 24, the farewell ceremony for the remains of Ba Jin was held in the Longhua Funeral Parlor in Shanghai. As many as 10,000 people went to the mourning literary and art circles and ordinary people. 16:00, black hearse in the police car under the tunnel, slowly pulled out of Longhua Funeral Parlor. More than 300 meters long queuing people silently watched Pakistan all the way. The cremated remains of the old man will be scattered with the ashes of his wife, Xiao Shan, to the East China Sea. Recently, the people in various parts of the country paid tribute to Ba Jin in different ways to commemorate the great Chinese literary world.