颈椎病和腰椎病是中老年人的常见病,它给人们的工作、学习、身体带来极大的不便。因此,要减少发病率,减轻痛苦症状,首先要把预防工作做好。现将颈腰肩病预防的一些具体办法分述如下: 卧位时,床铺要合适平坦。仰位平卧时,躯干应平直,下肢伸直微外旋,两臂置两侧。侧卧位时,躯干应平直,所有四肢关节取屈曲位。枕头的高度为一般7~9厘米较适当;枕头宽度要将头及颈部垫托,颈部不能悬空,否则入睡后肌肉松弛,颈部过度前屈容易引起颈部不适或落枕。
Cervical spondylosis and lumbar spondylosis is a common disease in the elderly, it gives people work, study, the body brings great inconvenience. Therefore, to reduce morbidity and alleviate the painful symptoms, we must first make prevention work well. Now neck and shoulder and shoulder prevention of some specific methods are described below: lying position, the bed should be suitable for flat. Supine supine, the trunk should be straight, lower extremity micro-rotation, arms placed on both sides. Lateral position, the trunk should be straight, all limb joints flexion position. The height of the pillow is generally 7 to 9 cm is more appropriate; pillow width to the head and neck pad care, the neck can not be vacant, or muscle relaxation after falling asleep, neck excess flexion easily lead to neck discomfort or stiff neck.