一八一九年冬,在巴黎市郊的一间屋子里,席里柯(Théodore Géricault)摆弄起零零碎碎的人体遗骸。气温虽低,死亡的气息却越来越浓。这位法国画家不断带回自己精挑细选的素材:四肢、头颅,甚至整具尸体。像个典型的收藏家一样,在遗骸腐烂之后他依然保留着自己的藏品,舍不得丢弃。这幅令人毛骨悚然的场景,就连最理解他的朋友也难以接受。光是闻到那股腐败的恶臭,就足以让他们担心被感染生病。
In the winter of 1819, in a room on the outskirts of Paris, Théodore Géricault fiddled with piecemeal human remains. Although the temperature is low, the breath of death is getting stronger and stronger. The French painter constantly brings back his handpicked material: limbs, skulls, and even entire bodies. Like a typical collector, he still retains his possession after the remains have been decayed, reluctant to discard it. This horrifying scene, even the most understanding of his friends is also unacceptable. Just smell the corruption of the stench enough to make them worried about getting sick.