雲南錫礦資源豐富,素享盛名,錫石寶石與觀賞石也頗具特色。雲南錫石產出地質環境複雜多样,故除大量細粒-微細粒錫石外,也有結晶粗大、自形程度高的錫石晶體,這構成了錫石寶石與觀賞石的珍貴原料。能作寶石级的無色-浇色透明錫石晶體主要分佈於滇西南;能作觀賞石的大粒自形單晶和多晶錫石晶簇則主要分佈於滇東南和滇西南等地。 錫石具有極高的折射率(1.997—2.093),大粒透明晶體磨製成刻面寶石具有極好的折光和色散。晃動寶石,如星光閃爍,特別是夜晚,錫石的反射与折射仿如鑽石一般,更加令人炫目和陶醉,故錫石寶石是鑽石的代用品之一,受到收藏家的珍愛,被認為是“非常有魅力”的“優質寶石”。半透明到
Yunnan rich in tin resources, known as the famous, stone and precious stones stone is also quite distinctive. Due to the complex and diverse geological environment of Yunnan Cassiterite, it is also a precious raw material of cassiterite and ornamental stones, except for a large number of fine-grained cassiterites. Can be made of gem-grade colorless - pouring clear cassiterite crystals are mainly distributed in southwestern Yunnan; can make ornamental stones of large-grain self-forming single crystal and polycrystalline cassiterite are mainly distributed in Southeast Yunnan and Yunnan and other places. Cassiterite has a very high index of refraction (1.997-2.093). Large grain transparent crystals are polished into faceted gems with excellent refraction and dispersion. Rocking gemstones, such as the twinkling stars, especially at night, the reflection and refraction of cassiterite are more dazzling and intoxicating than those of diamonds. Therefore, cassiterite is one of the substitutes for diamonds and is regarded by collectors as being “Very attractive” “good gem.” Translucent to