1 主要性状果实近圆形 ,果尖微凸 ,果皮鲜红色 ,艳丽美观 ,底色浅黄色 ,光滑无毛有亮泽 ,果肉乳白色 ,肉质细腻 ,脆而爽口 ,甜味浓 ,香味浓郁 ,品质优 ,半离核 :果实于 6月中旬上色 ,6月底至 7月初成熟 ,如挂果保鲜 ,采收期可推迟 2 0~ 30天。树势中庸偏旺 ,幼树结果早 ,各类
1 main characters fruit is nearly round, slightly convex fruit tip, peel bright red, beautiful and beautiful, the ground color light yellow, smooth hairless and shiny, white flesh, delicate meat, crisp and refreshing, rich sweet, rich aroma, Half-core: The fruit is colored in mid-June and mature from the end of June to early July. If the fruit is fresh, the harvesting period can be delayed 20-30 days. Moderate moderate tree vigor, young tree results early, all kinds