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新疆的重点产业是新疆经济腾飞的根基。中央新疆工作座谈会的召开,19个省市对新疆给予了大力的支持,同时也引进了疆外的先进技术,扩大了自己的重点产业企业。目前,企业用工需求量也在大幅增加,出现了“招工难”、“用工荒”的社会现象,已影响到企业的生产经营和发展前景。本文立足新疆实际,采用问卷调查的方法,对当前重点产业工人紧缺状况与需求开展调查研究,对摸清新疆重点产业紧缺人才队伍的需求与缺口,以便于更好的提出解决新疆重点产业工人需求方面的政策建议。 The key industry in Xinjiang is the base for economic growth in Xinjiang. The convening of a forum on the work of the Central Xinjiang Province, 19 provinces and cities have given strong support to Xinjiang, while also introducing advanced technology outside Xinjiang and expanding its own key industrial enterprises. At present, the demand for employment of enterprises has also risen sharply, resulting in the social phenomenon of “recruitment difficulties” and “labor shortage”, which have affected the production, operation and development prospects of enterprises. This article based on the actual situation in Xinjiang, the use of the method of questionnaire surveys on the current shortage of key industries and needs of workers to find out the needs and gaps in key industries in Xinjiang talent shortage in order to better address the needs of key industries in Xinjiang workers Policy recommendations.
1 病例介绍病人,男,31岁,于2011年4月18日因咳嗽、咳痰、发热伴咽喉肿痛2周到我院就诊。体格检查:体温38.5℃,血压130/80mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa),意识清楚,双肺呼吸音清,未闻及啰