2003年2月12日下午,赤壁市领导王汉桥、覃维民、方木生、杭莺、吴华金一行深入市档案局看望干部职工并兴致勃勃地参观了以《赤壁在我心中》大型图片展为主要内容的爱国主义教育基地。 《赤壁在我心中》全面系统地反映了赤壁市自近代特别是改革开放以来的政治、经济、文化及社会各个方面的历史,把各行各业辉煌的业绩变成永恒,载入史册。王汉桥一行观看了一幅幅珍贵的照
On the afternoon of February 12, 2003, leaders of the Red Cliff, Wang Hanqiao, Tan Weimin, Fang Mu Sheng, Hang Ying and Wu Huajin went to the City Archives Bureau to visit cadres and workers and paid great respects to visit the large-scale photo exhibition entitled “Red Cliff in My Heart” Patriotic education base. “Red Cliff in my heart” comprehensively and systematically reflects the history of Chibi since the modern times, especially since the reform and opening up, in all aspects of politics, economy, culture and society, and has made brilliant achievements in all walks of life into eternity and recorded in the annals of history. Wang Han bridge and his party watched a picture of precious photos