由中国设备管理协会技术委员会与STD总线研制协会联合举办的第一期“STD总线工控机函授班”,经过100天的学习于1月30日结业。函授班500名学员来自全国25个省、直辖市、自治区的各个不同行业。函授班以自学为主,并有专家、教授进行咨询、辅导,在五个中心城市进行答疑。学员普遍取得了较好的成绩,对本部门、本单位的老设备技术改造起到了推动作用。 STD总线工业控制机是国际上有名的几种工业控制机之一,以其先进的技术、低廉的价格、灵活的系统配置而受到欢迎。我国开始推广这一技术虽然只有三年历史,但在开发生产和应用改造上已有了很大发展。如应用于工业锅炉及发电厂的控制系统、机床数控系统、橡胶硫化系统、建材系统、工业窑炉系统、医药工业生产系统等,均取得了较好的效果。 这次参加函授班的11个工业部门的技术人员,将把这一新技术用于本系统的设备改造。今后除继续举办第二期函授班外,还将举办全国STD总线工控机应用展览会,以进一步推广这一技术,使之更好地为设备改造服务。
The first “STD Bus Industrial Computer Correspondence Class” jointly organized by the Technical Committee of China Equipment Management Association and the STD Bus Development Association was completed on January 30 after 100 days of study. Correspondence classes 500 students from various provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of the country in various industries. The correspondence classes mainly focus on self-study, and there are experts and professors who provide counseling and counseling to answer questions in five central cities. The trainees generally achieved good results and played a catalytic role in the transformation of the old equipment of this department and the unit. STD bus industrial control machine is one of several internationally famous industrial control machines. It is welcomed with its advanced technology, low price, and flexible system configuration. Although China has only begun to promote this technology for only three years, great progress has been made in the development, production and application of the technology. For example, the control system for industrial boilers and power plants, machine tool numerical control systems, rubber vulcanization systems, building material systems, industrial furnace systems, and pharmaceutical industrial production systems have achieved good results. The technical staff of the 11 industrial departments participating in the correspondence class will use this new technology for the transformation of the equipment of this system. In the future, in addition to continuing the second-period correspondence course, the National STD Bus IPC Application Expo will also be held to further promote this technology so as to better service the equipment.