在我们身边,总能看到一些人下岗后无所事事,灰心丧气。其实,下岗并不可怕,关键是要及时转换脑筋,只要投资七八千元钱,照样可以当个小老板。 破旧外墙翻新 近年来,不少城市的一些主要干道都在拓宽改造,移走了街两旁高大茂盛的树木,使不少蓬头垢面的旧楼房失去了遮掩,严重影响了市容市貌。一项专给破旧脏建筑外墙“翻新”的
Near us, we can always see some people doing nothing after being laid off and discouraged. In fact, the layoff is not terrible, the key is to change their brains in time, as long as the investment of seven or eight thousand dollars, still can be a small boss. Shabby Exterior Wall Renovation In recent years, some of the city’s main roads have been widening and transforming, and the tall, lush trees on both sides of the street have been removed, which has caused many unkempt old buildings to be lost and has seriously affected the appearance of the city. One dedicated to the “refurbished” exterior walls of dilapidated dirty buildings