对未来世界的关切 ,这是人类对自身终极关怀的共同心声。预言和预测具有很高的正面社会价值 ,但是不能否认 ,预言和预测对未来事件的发展也往往具有一定负面的前导作用。因此 ,在世界局势日益复杂化的今天 ,这些问题就不仅仅是宗教或哲学上的问题 ,而是关系全人类生存、发展的话题。本文站在唯物主义立场上 ,以时间为视角 ,分析传统预言和科学预测二者本质上的不同 ,指出人类要走出传统预言悲观主义宿命的怪圈 ,就必须高扬科学知识的伟大力量 ,摈弃愚昧无知的人云亦云、反对假借神圣之名的危言耸听、反对居心叵测的倒行逆施 ,使社会形成一个健康文明的共识 ,汇成一股积极向上的合力。
Concerns about the future world are the common aspiration of mankind to care for oneself. Prophecy and prediction have very high positive social values, but we can not deny that prophecy and prediction often have some negative leading roles in the development of future events. Therefore, as the situation in the world becomes increasingly complicated, these issues are not just religious or philosophical issues, but topics concerning the survival and development of all mankind. Based on materialism, this paper analyzes the essential differences between traditional prophecy and scientific prediction from the perspective of time. It points out that humankind must elevate the great power of scientific knowledge and abandon ignorance if it wants to get out of the traditional circle of predicting the pessimistic destiny of prophecy. The opinions of others are unpleasantly opposed to the alarmist propaganda of the name of holiness and opposition to the heart-breaking practice of counterproductive behavior, which will make the community form a consensus of healthy and civilized civilization and merge into a positive and progressive joint force.