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《国外经济科技社会发展考察与研究》是我国社会科学工作者对外学术交流成果的一本集粹。每一篇报告的撰写者都是多年专门研究国外发展的学者,其中多数是高研人员。全书从不同角度、不同侧面反映了世界上一些国家近年来在经济、科技和社会方面的发展情况,有许多成功经验的总结,也有若干教训的分析,凝集了社会科学研究学者在探索建设有中国特色社会主义的进程中对外部世界深入的观察和认真的思考。 追溯人类相互交流的历史,可以发现,它同人类社会进步的历史一样久远。从这个意义可以说,一部民族进步史、国家发展史,也是一部世界上各个民族和国家之间互相学习、借鉴和交 “The study and study on the development of foreign economy, science, technology and society” is a collection of achievements made by Chinese social scientists in their academic exchanges with foreign countries. The authors of each report are scholars who have devoted themselves to foreign development for many years, most of whom are highly educated. The book, from different angles and different aspects, reflects the economic, technological and social development of some countries in the world in recent years. There are many successes and sums of successful experiences, as well as a number of lessons learned. It has brought together scholars of social sciences in exploring and building China Deep Observation and Consideration of the External World in the Process of Characteristic Socialism. Tracing back to the history of human interaction shows that it is as old as the history of human progress. It can be said from this meaning that the history of national progress and the history of national development are also a way in which all nations and nations in the world can learn from each other and draw lessons from them.
江泽民同志在党的十四大报告中明确提出,我国经济体制改革的目标是建立社会主义市场经济体制。 随着社会主义市场经济的确立和拓展,人们的思想观念、价值取向、行为方式和人
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