应用定标粒子理论表面张力方程以及 vd W- 1型混合规则 ,计算了混合流体的表面张力 ,对 64个二元体系 ,7个三元体系的表面张力计算平均相对偏差为 0 .80 %和 2 .43% ;应用 Boudh- Hir和 Mansoori提出的部分互溶体系的界面张力模型 ,给出了硬球直径的确定方法 ,对 37个部分互溶二元含水体系的界面张力进行了计算 ,绝对平均偏差为 1 .5m N/m,相对平均偏差为 8.9% ,计算精度满意。
The surface tensions of the mixed fluids were calculated by applying the theoretical surface tension equations of the particles and the vd W-1 mixing rule. The average relative deviations of the surface tensions of 64 binary systems and 7 ternary systems were calculated as 0.80% and The interfacial tension of some partially soluble systems proposed by Boudh-Hir and Mansoori was used to determine the diameter of hard sphere. The interfacial tension of 37 partially binary systems was calculated. The absolute mean deviation was 1 .5m N / m, the relative average deviation of 8.9%, the calculation accuracy is satisfactory.