
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:genersoft
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One aim of the Vg study of headache epidemiology was to depict the total panorama of headaches in a small-sized, Norwegian community at the end of the 20th century. In the present part of the study, a search was made for the rare, global headaches. Various, relatively unknown headache categories were observed, such as hydrogen sulphide intoxication (n = 2)-after exposure to H2S ambient air concentrations of ≥100 p.p.m. In Vg, nitroglycerine headache (‘dynamite headache‘) proved to be a relatively frequent disorder (n = 13). This represents approximately 0.7%of the study group. A main reason for this, in all probability unusually high frequency is that there previously have been soapstone mines within the precincts of the parish. Another relatively frequently occurring headache followed exposure to wind (n = 7; 0.38%). Ice-cream headache was rare (n = 3; 0.16%), when only the general question was asked: ‘other headaches?’. Approximately 7 years later, an ad hoc procedure was adopted: 50 parishioners who did not answer positively concerning ice-cream headache on the first examination were asked specific questions concerning ice-cream headache. Four had had such an experience, i.e. prevalence of 8%, which is 50 times higher than the original result, but still a rather low prevalence when compared with the mean prevalence from other studies: 39%. This demonstrates that the result as regards prevalence, even for a headache such as ice-cream headache, to a large degree depends upon the interview technique used. One aim of the Vg study of headache epidemiology was to depict the total panorama of headaches in a small-sized, Norwegian community at the end of the 20th century. In the present part of the study, a search was made for the rare, global headaches. Various, previously unknown headache categories were observed, such as hydrogen sulphide intoxication (n = 2) -after exposure to H2S ambient air concentrations of ≧ 100 ppm In Vg, nitroglycerine headache (’dynamite headache’) proved to be relatively frequent A main reason for this, in all probability unusually high frequency is that there has previously been been soapstone mines within the precincts of the parish. Another relatively busy occurring headache followed Approximately 7 years later, an ad hoc procedure (when n = 3; 0.16%), when only the general question was asked: ’other headaches?’ was a dopted: 50 parishioners who did not been related to ice-cream headache on the first examination were asked specific topic concerning ice-cream headache. Four had had such an experience, ie prevalence of 8%, which is 50 times higher than the original result , but still a rather low prevalence when compared with the mean prevalence from other studies: 39%. This demonstrates that the result as perceived prevalence, even for a headache such as ice-cream headache, to a large degree depends upon the interview technique used .
大家别以为我要去吃肯德基、麦当劳,我要讲的是我这根瘦瘦的“薯条”遇到了胖胖的“汉堡”——冷云露,自从她成为我的同桌,便有了让我既“痛苦”又“快乐”的许许多多的故事。  同桌嘛,刚开始虽然看她不太顺眼,但也过得去,谁也没想到她竟然出卖了我!那是一次数学课,老师收家庭作业,我却忘了画图了。  我手忙脚乱地补画了一张草图,虽然潦草,但充数应该没问题。老师像是发现了什么:“什么时候画的图?”没等我回答,胖