在甘肃陇东旱塬区以田间试验的方式进行了SODm缓释氮肥施用方式对半湿润偏旱区冬小麦性状、水分利用效率及经济效益的影响研究,结果表明:施用SODm后,由于其缓慢的释放效应,氮肥的效应延长,在冬小麦返青后土壤中依然能有充足的养分,可以使作物营养生长获得有利影响。SODm一次性施用可以使冬小麦较常规氮肥和当地传统施肥方式水分利用效率提高0.76kg/mm.hm2,增产10.48%,产值增加805.88元/hm2,净产值增加1 105.88元/hm2,提高21.98%,增产幅度明显高于其他处理,表明SODm一次性施入可以提高陇东旱塬冬小麦产量和经济效益。
The effect of slow-release nitrogen fertilizer application mode on the traits, water use efficiency and economic benefits of winter wheat in semi-humid and semi-arid dry land was studied in a field experiment in Gansu Gansu Province. The results showed that after applying SODm, Release effect, the effect of nitrogen fertilizer is prolonged. After the winter wheat returns to green, there is still enough nutrients in the soil, which can make the vegetative growth gain favorable effects. One-time application of SODm could increase the water use efficiency of winter wheat by 0.76kg / mm.hm2, increase yield by 10.48%, output value by 805.88 yuan / hm2, increase net value by 1 105.88 yuan / hm2, increase by 21.98% The amplitude was significantly higher than other treatments, indicating that one-time application of SODm can improve the winter wheat yield and economic benefits in the Longdong.