胃肠道是肝脏疾病影响最早、最严重的肝外器官。由于肝脏疾病引起的肝性胃肠功能不全(HGII)在临床上极为常见,而胃肠功能不全反过来可影响肝损伤的修复甚至加重肝损伤过程。因此,探寻一种能有效缓解HGII的治疗方法对于迅速改善肝脏功能极为重要,也是肝脏疾病重要的辅助治疗手段。本研究利用多种消化酶制剂联合胃肠动力药物治疗慢性病毒性肝炎HGII 112例,现将结果报告如下。1资料与方法
The gastrointestinal tract is the earliest and most serious extrahepatic organ affected by liver disease. Hepatic gastrointestinal dysfunction (HGII) due to liver disease is clinically very common, and gastrointestinal dysfunction in turn can affect the repair of liver injury and even aggravate the process of liver injury. Therefore, to explore a treatment that can effectively relieve HGII is extremely important for rapidly improving liver function and is also an important adjuvant treatment for liver diseases. In this study, the use of a variety of digestive enzymes combined with gastrointestinal motility drug treatment of chronic viral hepatitis HGII 112 cases, the results reported below. 1 data and methods