梅州市民政扶贫场沙田柚园于1986年秋创办,面积0.6hm~2,共植柚苗288株。1989年开始挂果,11龄树平均666.7m~2产达4000kg以上。其中680m~2 32株试验地,预计1998年将突破6000kg。批发价5.00元/kg,666.7m~2产值连年超过2.70万元,净产值超过2.00万元,创梅州市高产优质高效柚园的最高纪录,曾获市、县科技进步奖。 该园原土层为20~30cm斜坡坝地,土层下为大小不等的石砾层,经多年人工客土、填改后,现土层增厚至60cm左右。据多点取土化验结果:pH6.45~7.58,有机质 1.20~
Plum Garden Meizhou Poverty Alleviation Shatin founded in the autumn of 1986, an area of 0.6hm ~ 2, a total of 288 planted grapefruit seedlings. In 1989 the fruit began to fruition, the average age of 11 666.7m ~ 2 up to 4000kg above. Among them, 680m232 test sites are expected to break through 6000kg in 1998. Wholesale price 5.00 yuan / kg, 666.7m ~ 2 output value more than 27,000 yuan in successive years, the net output value of more than 2.00 million, Meizhou high-quality and high-quality pomelo garden record, won the city and county scientific and technological progress awards. The original soil layer of the park is 20-30cm slope dam land, under the soil layer of gravel layer of different sizes, after many years of artificial soil, filling, the soil layer thickening to about 60cm. According to multi-point soil test results: pH6.45 ~ 7.58, organic matter 1.20 ~