纵观江苏省淮阴市两千年水利史,有三次‘以水代兵’现象,这在我国历史上较为典型。它们之间相隔近1400余年,给后人留下了永久性的教训。 据《光绪盱眙县志》中记载:南北朝时‘梁用魏降人王足策,筑浮山堰,南起浮山,北抵石,堰遏淮水以灌寿阳。’浮山堰、郡淮堰(在今盱眙县境内),屡筑屡毁,历时12年之久。《河渠纪闻》中记载:筑浮山堰‘十年劳费,死者数十万。’但浮山堰并未能‘灌寿阳’、灭敌兵,而在公元514年9月,‘淮水涨,堰坏,缘淮城戌十余万口,皆漂入海’,其惨景不忍睹。
Looking at the history of two thousand years of water conservancy in Huaiyin City, Jiangsu Province, there are three instances of “using water instead of water”, which is typical in the history of our country. Nearly 1,400 years have passed between them, leaving permanent lessons for future generations. According to the “Guangxu Qionglai County” records: Northern and Southern Dynasties’ beam with Wei Zhaoteng Wang Zuoce, build Fushan weir, Fushan from the south, the North arrived in stone, weir Huai Shui irrigation Shou Yang. ’Fushan weir, county Huaiyan (in this Qionglai County), repeated repeated destruction, which lasted 12 years. “Canal Diversion” records: Building Fushan weir ’ten years labor, hundreds of thousands of dead. But the fushan weir failed to ’irrigation Shouyang’, destroy the enemy soldiers, and in September 514, September, ’Huai water up, the weir is bad, the edge of Huai City Xu more than ten million, are drifting into the sea’, its tragedy can not bear to see.