改革的大潮,以摧枯拉朽之势,汹涌澎湃,席卷了整个中国大陆,睡狮醒后的腾跃,为世界瞩目,改革带来的成果,令炎黄子孙自豪!然而,大潮冲走了枯枝败叶,也搅荡得沉渣浮泛,政通人和的殿堂角落,仍有阴影幢幢。风雷激荡的时代,出英雄,也出败类,出孔繁森,也出王宝森,出廉洁奉公的公仆,也出以权谋私的赃官。一部《包青天》所以能令全国亿万群众啧啧激赏,在很大的程度上,是它引起了广大观众对当前政治生活和经济生活中的腐败现象的情绪反弹,人民是多么需要有众多的包拯那样的“青天”来惩治腐恶,“为民作主”啊! 应该说,现实生活中,虽然没有太多的偶
The tide of reform, with the ups and downs of the trend, surging, sweeping across the mainland China, Sleeping Lion awake after the world attention, the results of the reform, so proud of the grandson! However, the tide washed away dead leaves, Also floating in the sediment Floating Pan, politics and people’s temple corner, there are still shadow blocks. The era of wind and thunder turmoil, a hero, but also out of class, Kong Fansen, also out of Wang Baosen, a public servant of honest Benggong, but also out of power for personal gain of stolen officials. To a large extent, it has aroused the general audience’s emotional rebound in the current political life and corruption in economic life. How many people need it Bao Zheng that kind of “blue sky” to punish the evil, “for the people to master” ah! It should be said that in real life, although not too many even