从2002年起,我国被美国“EI compendex”数据库检索的科技期刊原寄往美国或荷兰“EI”检索机构的期刊,全部转为由“EI”设立在我国北京“EI”信息部收录。 为了满足2002年在本刊发表论文的作者了解所发表的文章是否被“EI compendex”收录的要求,现将本刊编辑部查询到2002年
Since 2002, China’s periodicals of science and technology periodicals searched by the “EI compendex” database in the United States have been sent to periodicals of “EI” search agencies in the United States or the Netherlands and all of them have been transferred to “EI” information department set up by “EI” in Beijing. In order to meet the 2002 article published in the author of the article to understand whether the published article is “EI compendex” included in the request, now the editorial department inquiries 2002