加强校本教研活动 提升教学技能水平

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学校是教学研究的基地;教师是教学研究的主体;促进师生共同发展是教学研究的主要而直接的目的。是以问题为驱动、以课例为载体、具有鲜明主题的教研方式。建立和完善主题性校本教研活动机制,是探索教师继续教育和提升教学技能水平的有效途径。 The school is the base of teaching and researching. The teacher is the main body of teaching and research. To promote the common development of teachers and students is the main and direct purpose of teaching and research. Is based on the problem-driven, lesson-based as a carrier, with a distinctive theme of teaching and research. Establishing and perfecting the mechanism of thematic school-based teaching and research activities is an effective way to explore teachers’ continuing education and enhance their teaching skills.