嘴唇是女人脸上最集中、最突出、也最具个性化的部位。职业女性由于工作需要,其唇部化妆尤为重要,不仅能显示出她独特魅力,还会在工作中收到意想不到的效果。新闻职业由于职业缘故,女记者需时常在外奔波,为了能被接受采访,不妨在唇部下点功夫: (1)先涂唇峰,唇峰一般不宜涂得太宽阔,太宽阔会流于俗气,也不宜涂得太窄,太窄显得城府不深,更不宜涂得上下线起伏太大,一般应涂得平缓而开阔些; (2)下唇角对应不能太窄,而应圆中带方,宽窄适中。 (2)上下唇线在嘴角相连,切记不能重叠,颜色不宜深,最好选用淡红色唇膏。这样即使是严阵以待的采访对象,也会被你公允和蔼的形象打动,即便你提出尖锐的问题,对方也会一一告诉你。
Lips are the most concentrated, most prominent, and most individualized part of a woman’s face. Professional women due to work needs, lip makeup is particularly important, not only to show her unique charm, but also received unexpected results in the work. News career Due to occupation reasons, women reporters often need to rushing around in order to be able to be interviewed, may wish to point some effort in the lips: (1) first painted lip peaks, lip peaks generally should not be painted too broad, too broad will flow in cheesy, It should not be painted too narrow, too narrow seems that the city is not deep, but should not be Tuozhang off-line ups and downs, generally should be painted flat and open wider; (2) the lower lip corresponding should not be too narrow, , Moderate width. (2) upper and lower lip connected at the mouth, remember not to overlap, the color should not be deep, the best choice of light red lipstick. So even if you are waiting for the interviewees, you will be impressed by your fair and courteous image. Even if you ask any sharp questions, the other party will tell you one by one.