
来源 :拉丁美洲研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaji2009
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战后,拉美国家实行进口替代经济发展战略,各国民族工业迅速发展。到70年代中期,拉美多数国家的经济实力大大增强,拉美已成为第三世界中较发达的地区。然而,国家干予过多,国有企业激增和推行高增长的发展计划,使不少拉美国家的经济发展失衡。在80年代初世界经济危机的冲击下,拉美地区经济的深刻矛盾表面化。1982年的债务偿付危机使拉美地区经济陷入战后最为深刻的危机之中,1989年的外债总额达4220亿美元,占发展中国家外债总额的1/3。通货恶性膨胀,1988年国内消费物价增长速度高达760%,1989年猛增到1000%。地区的经济发展受到严重制约。80年代,拉美国家国内生产总值年平均增长率仅为1.1%左右, After the war, Latin American countries practiced the strategy of importing and replacing the economy and the national industries in various countries developed rapidly. By the mid-1970s, the economic power of most countries in Latin America was greatly enhanced and Latin America had become the more developed region in the Third World. However, the excessive state-to-state and soaring state-owned enterprises and the implementation of high-growth development plans have unbalanced the economic development of many Latin American countries. Under the impact of the world economic crisis in the early 1980s, the profound contradictions in the economies of Latin America were apparent. The 1982 debt repayment crisis plunged the Latin American region into the most postwar crisis. In 1989, the total foreign debt reached 422 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for one third of the total foreign debts of developing countries. The vicious inflationary inflation in 1988, the domestic consumer price growth rate of 760%, in 1989 soared to 1000%. The economic development in the region is severely restricted. In the 1980s, the average annual growth rate of gross domestic product of Latin American countries was only about 1.1%
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我们知道,职业球员经常会改造自己的球拍,让球拍更适合自己的打法特点。那么,既然他们能改,你也同样可以这样做。 We know that professional players often transform thei