在贵州省省会贵阳市南29公里处,坐落着一个历史悠久、文化昌盛的小镇,它的镇名叫“青岩”。 青岩镇的总面积为92平方公里,现有人口25000多人,其中近一半是当地的少数民族同胞。小镇始建于明天启三年(1623),全镇依山傍水,面临黔桂公路。交通方便、贸易发达、环境优美、古迹众多。明代地理学家、旅游家徐霞客考察途经此地,在考察日记中写道:“青岩镇乃‘南鄙要害’之地也……”
Located 29 kilometers south of Guiyang, capital of Guizhou Province, there is a small town with a long history and rich cultural heritage. Its name is Qingyan. Qingyan town, a total area of 92 square kilometers, the existing population of more than 25000 people, of which nearly half of the local ethnic compatriots. The town was built in tomorrow three years (1623), the town Yishanbangshui, facing Guizhou and Guangxi Highway. Convenient transportation, trade developed, beautiful environment, many monuments. Ming Dynasty geographer, tourist Xu Xiake investigation tour here, wrote in the study diary: “Qingyan town is the” Southern despicable “land ... ...”