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《威尼斯商人》是莎士比亚创作的一部具有极大讽刺性的喜剧作品,莎士比亚充分歌颂了友情和爱情的美好,同时也刻画出资本主义早期阶段引起的商业资产阶级和高利贷者之间的矛盾,充满了人文主义精神。剧中主要人物有生活在商业味浓重的威尼斯的安东尼奥、夏洛克、鲍西亚、杰西卡等人,作品围绕几对年轻人的婚姻展开主线,强化了女性形象,有意突出女性的优势,并说明了追求自由和爱情需要在经济独立的基础上。为更好地基于女性主义角度评议《威尼斯商人》,本文先从女权的相关知识说起。 “The Merchant of Venice” is a satirical comedy written by Shakespeare. Shakespeare fully celebrates the beauty of friendship and love. At the same time, it also depicts the contradictions between the commercial bourgeoisie and the usurers caused by the early stages of capitalism. Full of humanism. The main characters in the play include Antonio, Sherlock, Portia, Jessica and others who live in the commercial flavor of Venice. The works focus on the marriage of several young people, reinforce the female image, highlight the advantages of women, and It shows that the pursuit of freedom and love needs to be based on economic independence. In order to better comment on the “merchant of Venice” from the perspective of feminism, this article begins with the related knowledge of feminism.