我们在此报道了在减少难辨梭状芽孢杆菌 (难辨梭菌 ,Clostridiumdifficile)所致腹泻的发病过程中 ,反馈与医生参与的经验。本病为一种常见的院内获得性感染 ,与过量应用头孢菌素有关。 1 995年 7月在我院的老年急性病区发生了难辨梭菌性腹泻的广泛流行 ,为
We report here the experience of feedback and doctor participation in reducing the incidence of diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile (Clostridium difficile). This disease is a common hospital-acquired infection associated with overuse of cephalosporins. In July 995, a widespread epidemic of C. difficile diarrhea occurred in our acute ward in our hospital.