Female patient, 40 years old. Due to repeated palpitations discomfort for 20 years, on August 24, 1990 admitted. Pre-admission ECG found multiple premature ventricular contractions, deny the history of myocarditis. Had taken slow heart rate, safe, amiodarone and other drugs, are invalid. After admission, physical examination: BP14.6 / 9.3KPa (110 / 70mmHg), the heart is not big, HR80 beats / min, irregular arrhythmia, premature beats 10 to 12 beats / min, apical can be heard and Ⅱ grade systolic hair-like murmur , I no special. ECG shows sinus rhythm, frequent room early. 24-hour ambulatory ECG detected premature ventricular contractions. Some were triple. Nissan SUD-800 type