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5月22日,在2016数博会召开前夕,2016京筑创新驱动区域合作年会在贵阳举行,总结两地合作经验,拓展合作领域,推动京筑合作再上新台阶。京筑合作始于2013年9月,近三年时间里,在北京市及贵州省、贵阳市的共同努力下,京筑两地创新驱动区域合作取得了长足发展,被国家科技部列为“区域创新合作的成功典范”。特别是在平台建设、产业发展、公共服务、创新创业等方面走出了一条创新发展、互惠共赢的路径。 On May 22, on the eve of the 2016 Digital Expo, the 2016 Beijing-Zhuhai Innovation-Driven Regional Cooperation Annual Conference was held in Guiyang to sum up the cooperation experiences between the two places and expand cooperation areas so as to push Beijing-Zhuhai cooperation to a new level. Cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Kyrgyzstan began in September 2013. Over the past three years, with the joint efforts of Beijing Municipality and Guizhou Province and Guiyang City, Kyrgyzstan and Kyrgyzstan have made great strides in regional innovation-driven cooperation and have been listed as “ ”Successful Model for Regional Innovation and Cooperation". Especially in the platform construction, industrial development, public services, innovation and entrepreneurship, etc. out of a path of innovation and development, mutual benefit and win-win situation.
语文新课标对语文教学的一大扭转就是要求教学要尊重学生的主体性。笔者以为,作文教学中学生的主体性缺失问题尤其严重,应引起我们的高度重视。我们要在作文教学的各个环节中落实学生的主体地位。    一、我写,因为我想写    主体性的根本是行动的自觉自主。因此,作文教学必须培养学生主动写作的习惯。反观我们学生的写作情况,实难让人乐观:大部分学生怕写、厌写、恨写作文,有所写作,总是“被迫”;有主动写作习惯的