Effect of Eliminated the Breeding Pigs with Unqualified CSFV Antibody on Sows' Reproductive Per

来源 :农业科学与技术(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangpin
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[Objective] The aim was to explore the effect of eliminated the breeding pigs with unqualified CSFV antibody on sows reproductive performance and pigs growth performance so as to provide a scientific basis for the eliminating of the breeding pigs with unqualified CSFV antibody in large-scale pig farms. [Method] Serum samples from three scale pig farms were collected and tested with HerdChek CSFV-ELISA kit,then provided a certain scientific basis for scale pig farm to eliminate the unqualified( antibody blocking rate <50% ) breeders after booster immunization. [Result] After eliminating the breeding pigs with unqualified CSFV antibody, the average litter number of piglet in three pig farms ( A, B,C) were increased by 0.29 ( P<0.05), 0.40 ( P<0.01 ), 0.39 ( P<0.01 ) respectively; the average number of survival piglets were increased by 0.54 ( P < 0.01 ), 0.35 ( P < 0.01 ), 0.62 ( P < 0.01 ) respectively; the average litter number of weaned piglets were increased by 0.65 ( P <0.01 ), 0.71 ( P <0.01 ), 0.81 ( P < 0.01 ) respectively. The difference in weight gain of piglet at 30 - 60 d of age was extremely significant ( P <0.01 ), but inconspicuousness for the swine pregnancy rate, the survival rate of weaned piglet and piglet at 30 -60 d of age. [Conclusion] The eliminating the breeding pigs with unqualified CSFV antibody can significantly improve the performance of breeder and piglets.
以Na帮O4,磺基水杨酸为催化剂,十六烷基三甲基溴化铵为相转移催化剂,用H2O2氧化环己酮合成己二酸.探讨了反应时间、催化剂用量、H2O2用量等条件对反应的影响.“,”Hexane dia
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