
来源 :城市煤气 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyr1234
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1 前言 编制《城市燃气行业“十五”技术进步发展规划》应以“安全可靠”作为基本点,技术进步是其保障条件。具体到燃气管道系统的运营管理,应改变过去以检漏、抢修为主要手段的被动局面,转而实行以预防为主,主动建立“跟踪检测→风险评估→计划性修复”的燃气管网综合管理体制。在“十五”规划中,通过全行业的努力,我们要完成向这种机制的过渡,要达到的目标是初步建立这种体 1 Preface The preparation of “urban gas industry,” Tenth Five-Year “Technology Progress Development Plan” should be “safe and reliable” as the basic point, technological progress is its guarantee conditions. Specific to the operation and management of gas pipeline system should be changed in the past to leak detection, repair as the main means of passive situation, instead to implement the prevention, take the initiative to establish a “tracking inspection → risk assessment → planned recovery” of gas pipe network integration Management system. In the “Tenth Five-Year Plan”, through the efforts of the entire industry, we must complete the transition to this mechanism with the goal of initially establishing such a body