甄庆托儿所是一个半托兼全托的民办托儿所。全所儿童305人,分成10个班级,分别安置在南、北二座建筑物内。该所上下水道的卫生设备齐全,一般卫生状况较好,卫生 制度也较健全。1975年曾发生过一次菌痢流行,系由宋内氏痢疾杆菌引起,以后一直没有发生过腹泻病例。 1976年10月29日有一名儿童突然高热、腹泻、大便呈粘液脓血并伴里急后重,大便培养出弗氏痢疾杆菌。此后陆续出现病例。该所对菌痢的防疫措施已有了经验,及时采取了治疗、隔离、消毒等措施,使疫情未再扩大。至11月2
Zhenqing nursery is a half-care and full-time private nursery. All children 305 people, divided into 10 classes, were placed in the South, North two buildings. The sanitation facilities of the sewer and sanitation facilities are generally well-hygienic and have a sound sanitation system. A bacillary dysentery epidemic occurred in 1975, caused by Shigella sonnei, and no diarrhea has ever occurred. On October 29, 1976, a child suddenly became feverish, diarrhea, and his stool was mucopurulent with tenesmus and stool to develop Shigella flexneri. After another case. The Institute has had experience in the epidemic prevention measures for bacillary dysentery and promptly took such measures as treatment, isolation and disinfection so that the epidemic will not expand further. Until November 2