本文报导了合丰 4 1号的研究与试验结果及育种经验。合丰 4 1号是采用有性杂交、定向选择及异地鉴定的方法育成的优良品种。具有耐瘠薄、高油、高产稳产、适应性好等突出特点 ,深受生产欢迎 ,一般产量 2 4 0 7~ 30 0 0 kg/ hm2 ,增产幅度为 10 .5%~ 12 .9% ,具有 4 2 0 1.5 kg/ hm2 的产量潜力。该品种的育成在育种目标制定和育种方法等方面均有成功经验
This article reports the research and test results and breeding experience of Hefeng No.41. Hefei 4 1 is the use of sexual hybridization, targeted selection and off-site identification methods bred fine varieties. It has the characteristics of resistance to infertility, high oil, high and stable yield, good adaptability and other prominent features. It is welcomed by the production. Its general output is 2470 ~ 30 0 0 kg / hm2 and the yield increase is 10.5% ~ 12.9% 4 2 0 1.5 kg / hm2 yield potential. Breeding of this variety has successful experience in breeding target setting and breeding methods