我院于1981年5月开始在剖宫产术的同时放置宫内节育环,至1982年11月止共放置138例,现将系统追访的66例小结分析如下: 方法产时大出血、胎盘早剥、破水超过48小时、术前体温两次在37.5℃以上、前置胎盘术前术时出血过多,为放环禁忌,其余产妇均是放环对象。全部用23号不锈钢金属单环,一部分环上用1号铬
In May 1981, our hospital began to place intrauterine contraceptive ring at the same time as cesarean section. Until November 1982, a total of 138 cases were placed. The summary of the 66 cases followed up by the system is as follows: Prostate, water break more than 48 hours, preoperative temperature twice in 37.5 ℃ above, preoperative placenta preoperative hemorrhage is too much, for the taboo taboo, the rest of the maternal are put ring object. All with a 23 single-metal stainless steel ring, part of the ring with a chromium