Pediatric torticollis, also known as crooked neck, is a more common deformity disease. This child’s neck is always crooked to the side, if the hand to turn the neck to the other side, then feel greater resistance, turn around. There are two main reasons for torticollis. One is the sternocleidomastoid muscle problems. This muscle is located in the neck, one on each side of a piece, was elongated, one attached to the ear, the other end attached to the bottom of the cervix at the junction of the sternoclavicular joint. Side contraction, head to the same side of the tilt, face turned to the opposite side. At the same time on both sides of the contraction, to help other muscles so that the head backwards. If the fetus in the uterus by abnormal pressure, birth defects, or childbirth difficulties are injured, can cause side sternocleidomastoid muscle shortening, so that the child’s head tilt to the same side of the disease.