
来源 :海洋环境科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gf930
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2004~2009年对海南岛周遍海域的海草资源进行综合调查,结果表明:海南岛海草资源丰富,共有6属10种,面积约55 km2,优势种为泰莱藻;海南岛海草分布于近岸海域的珊瑚坪内侧或泻湖沿岸,主要位于潮间带低潮区和潮下带上部4m水深范围;海草生物量范围为71.24~727.24 g/m2,平均为410.26 g/m2;海草密度范围为4 131.20~550.40株/m2,平均为1 753.39株/m2。海南岛海草主要受陆源污染、海洋工程、渔业活动、非法渔业等活动影响。 From 2004 to 2009, a comprehensive survey of seagrass resources in the sea areas around Hainan Island was conducted. The results showed that seagrass resources in Hainan Island are abundant, including 6 genera and 10 species, with an area of ​​55 km2 and dominant species of Tailai; The depth of 4m above sea level in the coral reefs or lagoons of the coastal waters mainly lies in the low tide zone of the intertidal zone and in the upper part of the subtidal zone. The biomass of seaweed ranged from 71.24 to 727.24 g / m2 with an average of 410.26 g / m2, and the seagrass density ranged from 4 131.20 ~ 550.40 plants / m2, with an average of 1 753.39 plants / m2. Hainan Island seaweed mainly by land-based pollution, marine engineering, fishery activities, illegal fisheries and other activities.