不知不觉间,本人已在粤剧表演艺术的道路上耕耘奋斗了30多年,更有幸在1 991年,一举夺得第八届“中国戏剧梅花奖”的殊荣。回首过往,荣耀背后,满载欢欣,更充满数之不尽的磨砺。或许正是:不经一番寒彻骨,哪得梅花扑鼻香?一、“半路出家”进戏行24岁,是我人生一个重要的转折点——这一年,我正式投身到粤剧艺术工作者的行列。能走进梨园行,还取得今天这样的成绩,我必须感谢一个人——粤剧老前辈罗品超(著名粤剧文武生,2004年以93岁高龄成功申报吉尼斯世界纪录大全,成为至今在世界戏剧舞台上年龄最大,舞台演出时间最长的艺术家)。1979年,我到广东粤剧学校进修,
Unconsciously, I have worked hard for more than 30 years on the road of performing arts in Cantonese opera. I was fortunate enough to win the honor of the Eighth China Drama Plum Blossom Award in 1991. Looking back, glory behind, full of joy, more full of endless honed. Perhaps it is: without a biting, what a plum fragrance? First, “halfway home ” into the theater 24 years old, is an important turning point in my life - this year, I officially joined Cantonese opera art work The ranks of those. I have to thank a man, Cantonese opera veteran Luo Pinchao (a famous Cantonese opera martial arts officer, who made a successful declaration of the Guinness Book of World Records at the age of 93 in 2004 and has become the world’s theater stage till now) The oldest, stage performance of the longest artist). In 1979, I went to Guangdong Cantonese opera school for further study,