
来源 :中国宝玉石 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xingke198621
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一.肉眼观察以绿色者最佳,但常呈现杂色,多见黄色、橙色至褐色、白色或黑色。由于混入物的差异,也可见粉红或黄色。因此,可能出现许多颜色。光泽是很重要的标志,它是宝石对光源反射产生的外观质感,与宝石的折射率和抛光程度有关,翡 First, the naked eye to observe the best green, but often variegated, more common in yellow, orange to brown, white or black. Due to the differences in the mix, pink or yellow is also seen. Therefore, many colors may appear. Gloss is a very important symbol, it is the appearance of gems on the light reflection of the appearance of the texture, and gem refractive index and the degree of polishing, Fei
<正> 几十年来,应用语言学在西方各国相继问世,在语言教育领域起着推波助澜的作用。追溯历史,第一个冠以“应用语言学”之称的杂志《语言学习》——一种实验性较强的学术杂志