
来源 :中国茶叶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiandande
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安徽省泾县地处皖南山区,年均降雨量虽达1516毫米,但时间分布不均,每年7~8月份少雨缺水,高温干燥,茶树遭受不同程度的旱热危害,茶叶产量低,品质差。从1980年以来,喷灌技术在该县茶叶生产上推广应用较快,主要茶区都先后建立了不同形式的茶园喷灌试点,这对提高茶叶产量与品质起到积极的作用。但在喷灌实践中也暴露了不少问题,例如,一次喷灌多少水量,增产提质效果如何等缺乏试验研究,因此,在喷灌中常常出现用水不当,不能充分发挥喷灌节水、增产的优势。为此,我们在省、地水利部门和中国农科院茶叶研究所的帮助卜,设置了早热季节不同 Jing County, Anhui Province is located in the mountains of southern Anhui, although the annual average of 1516 mm of rainfall, but the uneven distribution of time each year from July to August, lack of water, high temperature drying, tea suffered different degrees of drought heat, low tea yield, quality difference. Since 1980, sprinkler irrigation technology in the county to promote the rapid development of tea production, the main tea areas have established different forms of tea plantation sprinkler pilot, which is to improve the yield and quality of tea play a positive role. However, many problems have also been exposed in the practice of sprinkler irrigation. For example, there is a lack of experimental research on how much water to spray at a time and how to improve the yield and quality. Therefore, the improper use of water in sprinkler irrigation often can not give full play to advantages of sprinkler irrigation and water saving and yield increase. To this end, we in the province, the water sector and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Tea help Bu, set the difference between the early hot season
10月30日,十三冬男子冰球资格赛中,前卫队与香港队展开了激烈角逐。最终前卫队进入十三冬男子冰球赛决赛阶段。  “资格赛晋级之后我们加强了训练,希望整体实力能有大的提升,我们会拿出最好的状态迎接十三冬男子冰球赛!”12月14日,潘育强充满信心地说。44岁的潘育强是国家青年冰球队前主教练,第十三届全国冬运会他担任了乌鲁木齐冰球队主教练。  潘育强说,此次能够带领东道主乌鲁木齐冰球队参加十三冬的比赛,
截至目前,十三冬组委会已与34家赞助企业完成签约,签约赞助物资总额度已超过一亿元,已创历届全国冬运会赞助额度之最。  10月28日下午,全国第十三届冬季运动会赞助签约仪式在乌鲁木齐市举行。从今年4月起,十三冬组委会市场开发部已经先后举行了四场大型集中签约仪式。  十三冬组委会副秘书长、自治区体育局副局长杨新利表示,截至目前已经与34家赞助企业完成不同层级的签约,签约赞助物资总额度已超过一亿元,创历