何氏风仙(I.holstii Engler et warb.)俗称玻璃翠。是凤仙花科多年生草本花卉。它茎节突出,光滑多汁,红褐色,半透明状。叶翠绿,轮生,阔卵形,先端尖,叶缘具钝齿。花单生或两朵并生,扁平似小碟,花瓣基部有一变态细长的距,长2cm~3cm。花色美丽丰富,有大红、粉红、砖红、橙等色。何氏凤仙原产非洲热带地区,性喜温暖湿润,耐半荫,忌烈日暴晒。对土壤要求不严,但在肥沃的沙质壤土中生长良好。它生长温度在10℃以上,生长最适温度为20℃~25℃,忌高温。在适宜环境条件下,可终年开花,从不间断。何氏凤仙因其种子极少且不易发芽,故一般采用扦插
I. Holstii Engler et warb. Commonly known as glass Tsui. Impatiens is a perennial herbaceous flowers. It stems prominent, smooth and juicy, reddish-brown, translucent. Leaves green, whorled, broadly ovate, apex pointed, leaf margin with blunt teeth. Flowers solitary or two and living, flat like a small dish, the petal base has a perverted slender distance, length 2cm ~ 3cm. Beautiful color rich, red, pink, brick red, orange and other colors. He Fengxian native to the tropics of Africa, warm and moist nature, resistance to half-shade, avoid sun exposure. Strict requirements on the soil, but grow well in the fertile sandy loam. Its growth temperature above 10 ℃, the optimum growth temperature of 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃, avoid high temperature. Under suitable environmental conditions, flowering throughout the year, from time to time. Ho Fengxian because of its very few seeds and not easy to germinate, it is generally used cutting