Comrade Mao Zedong once said: “Both the style of study and the style of writing are the function of the party and all are the style of the party.” "Party style and political power determine the style of writing. In turn, the style of writing reflects the style of work and politics and profoundly Affect the party style, political style. In the war years, the famous Yan’an Rectification Movement was an important part of rectifying the style of writing. Comrade Mao Zedong hated the party’s eight shares and called on the entire party to abandon the party’s eight shares and advocate a lively and vivid new style of writing. He criticized the once unhealthy style of writing prevailing in the party, such as the old lady’s bast cloth, smelly and long. On the contrary, Comrade Mao Zedong’s writings and speeches concisely, closely linked to the theme, explain profound theories in simple language, is indeed a model for opening up a new style of writing.