
来源 :病虫测报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shangwenqian
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60年代中期,水稻蓟马在江苏、浙江、安徽、福建等省的部分地区开始出现严重为害。70年代后,由于双、三熟制普遍推行,早稻面积扩大,蓟马问题日益突出,成为全国水稻主要害虫之一。直到80年代中期以来,稻蓟马在我国江淮稻区虫口数量出现明显下降趋势。笔者经过调查研究分析,认为这是生态、耕作制度、气候、化学防治等综合作用的结果,主要的有以下几个方面。1.改制:改双季稻为单季稻,推广一季杂交稻,使水稻播、插期均推迟。越冬后稻蓟马在杂草上繁殖少量第一代成虫,第一次迁飞得不到良好的产卵繁殖条件,降低了后期的虫源 In the mid-1960s, rice thrips began to be seriously damaged in parts of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Fujian provinces. Since the 1970s, due to the widespread implementation of double and triple cropping systems, the area of ​​early rice has expanded and the problem of thrips has become increasingly prominent. It has become one of the major rice pests in the country. Until the mid-1980s, the incidence of rice thrips in the population of Jianghuai rice paddy decreased significantly. After investigation and analysis, the author thinks that this is the result of the combined effect of ecology, farming system, climate and chemical prevention and control. The main aspects are the following aspects. 1. Restructuring: change double cropping rice to single cropping rice, popularize the first season hybrid rice, so that the rice sowing and insertion are postponed. After winter wintering thrips breeding a small amount of the first generation of weeds on the weeds, the first migration can not get good breeding conditions for egg laying, reducing the late insect
六、喷施宝的主要功能与增产效果及其施用方法 喷施宝是广西博白沙河叶面宝厂继叶面宝之后推出的又一新型植物营养调节剂。 喷施宝在各种作物上应用后,能够促进其新陈代谢和