1993年我国文物考古事业取得了丰硕成果,全年考古项目达500余项,被认定“九三全国十大考古新发现”的项目为: 1.贵州盘县大洞旧石器时代遗址。这个遗址距今30多万年,遗址规模巨大,文化内涵丰富,保存完好。它的发掘,不仅仅是发现目前贵州所知古老的人类文化遗址,而且对研究远古时代东西文化的交流,古人类迁徙及恢复古人类生活的原貌具有重要价值。
In 1993, China’s cultural relics and archeology achieved fruitful results, reaching over 500 archeological projects throughout the year. The projects identified as “Top Ten Archaeological Discoveries in 1993” are: 1. Dachang Paleolithic Site, Panxian County, Guizhou Province. The site is more than 30 million years ago, the site is huge, rich cultural connotation, well preserved. Its excavation is not only to discover the ancient human cultural sites in Guizhou, but also to study the exchange of Eastern and Western cultures in ancient times, the migration of ancient human beings and the restoration of the original appearance of ancient human lives.