东湖位于武汉市武昌区东北,形若一斜放的等腰三角形,面积在水位20.5米时为27.899平方公里,平均水深2.21米,流域面积187平方公里。东湖是长江中下游的一个中型浅水湖泊。 湖之南,两列东西向残丘(以瑜家山最高,151.84米),互相平行,断续相连。这两列残丘皆为泥盆系石英砂岩所组成的向斜山,它们之间为志留系页岩所组成的背斜谷地,表
Located in the northeast of Wuchang District in Wuhan City, East Lake is shaped like an isosceles triangle with a diagonal area of 27.899 km 2 at an elevation of 20.5 meters with an average depth of 2.21 meters and an area of 187 km 2. East Lake is a medium-sized shallow lake in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. In the south of the lake, two columns of east-west remnants (the highest in Mount Yuji, 151.84 meters) are parallel and intermittent. These two columns are all anticline hills composed of Devonian quartz sandstone, which are the anticline valleys formed by the Silurian shale