
来源 :中国铁路 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ciissyma
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2006年9月28日,铁道部在中国南方机车车辆工业集团公司四方机车车辆股份有限公司召开推进机车车辆装备现代化现场会。经过三年的实践,机车车辆技术引进消化吸收再创新取得重大进展,中国铁路现代化明显加快。党的十六大以来,铁道部党组着眼经济社会发展的战略全局,按照以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央提出的科学发展观和构建社会主义和谐社会的要求,大力推进铁路跨越式发展,以快速扩充铁路运输能力、快速提升技术装备水平为主线,加快实现中国铁路现代化。为实现技术装备水平的快速提升,铁道部进一步确定了加快技术装备现代化的总体部署:一是贯彻“十字”方针,就是采用“先进、成熟、经济、适用、可靠”的技术。二是落实“四化”要求,就是标 On September 28, 2006, the Ministry of Railways held a live meeting to promote the modernization of locomotive and rolling stock at Sifang Locomotive and Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. of China Southern Locomotive and Rolling Stock Industry Group Corporation. After three years of practice, significant progress has been made in the introduction of rolling stock technology and its reintroduction in digestion and absorption. The railway modernization in China has accelerated noticeably. Since the 16th CPC National Congress, the party group of the Ministry of Railways focuses on the overall strategic economic and social development. According to the scientific concept of development proposed by the party Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as general secretary and the requirements of building a harmonious socialist society, the party group of the Ministry of Railways vigorously promotes the leap-forward development of the railway Rapidly expand rail transport capacity, rapidly upgrade the level of technology and equipment as the main line, and accelerate the modernization of China’s railways. In order to realize the rapid upgrade of technology and equipment, the Ministry of Railways has further determined the overall deployment of speeding up the modernization of technical equipment: First, implementing the “cross” policy means adopting “advanced, mature, economical, applicable and reliable” technologies. Second, the implementation of the “four modernizations” requirement is the standard
铁路高速道岔核心技术引进8月28日,中铁宝桥—法国科吉富公司高速道岔技术许可协议生效暨客运专线道岔首批授标仪式在京举行。 The introduction of the core technology of
1 很久以前,他看过一部名叫《屋顶》的意大利电影,那是一个趁夜搭建违章建筑的故事。战后的罗马生存艰难,影片中一对要结婚的恋人竟无栖身之处,只能在朋友们帮助下自己动手建
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