
来源 :抗战文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xianfaxianfa
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抗战时期,面对日本侵略者,有着强烈爱国情怀的中国人都表现出自己的担当,付出自己的力量,徐悲鸿、李宗仁是其中杰出的代表,而他们因抗战御侮结交成为挚友,鸾翔凤集,揖让往返,互为倾慕,成就一段珍贵的情缘佳话。但这一历史片段多年来沉寂得了无踪影,鲜为人知,本文试从他们的交往细节以及历史证物评述他们在追求中华民族独立解放背景下的相知共鸣、相助互勉关系及其对于抗战的贡献,从中寻觅到他们的真性情。 During the war of resistance against Japan, in the face of the Japanese invaders, Chinese people with strong patriotic feelings showed their own responsibility and paid their own strength. Among them, Xu Beihong and Li Tsung-jen were outstanding representatives, and they became close friends because of the war and imperial concubine. , 揖 let to and from, admire each other, the achievements of a precious sentiment story. However, this historical fragment has disappeared over the years without any trace, and little is known about it. In this essay, from the details of their exchanges and historical evidence, they commented on their sympathy and mutual assistance in the context of the pursuit of the independence of the Chinese nation and their mutual supportiveness. Contribution, from which to find their true nature.
加强国有企业精神建设,就是要把党建工作与企业改革发展紧密结合起来,通过实施“五项工程”即“铸魂工程、塑形工程、育才工程、先锋工程、爱心工程”,进一步树立信心,提高员工道德水准、业务能力水平和整体素质,塑造良好的企业形象,不断增强企业凝聚力和核心竞争力,迎接市场挑战,推动企业物质文明、精神文明和政治文明建设齐头并进,共同发展。    铸魂工程    铸魂是铸造具有中国特色的企业之魂,即:一是牢固树立