从科学的角度来说,我们很难从严格意义上来定义何谓大型体育赛事。一般被理解为,Large Scale Sport Events&Activities即由职业性体育组织(体育俱乐部、体育协会等官方、非官方职业性体育组织)发起的,有职业运动员参与的,以获取体育竞技目标为目的的国际型体育赛事活动,诸如奥运会、亚运会、F1赛车、美国NBA联赛等大型体育赛事。
From a scientific point of view, it is hard to define what a large sporting event is in a strict sense. It is generally understood that Large Scale Sport Events & Activities is an international type of professional athletes with the aim of obtaining athletic goals sponsored by professional sports organizations (sports clubs, sports associations and other official and non-official sports organizations) Sports events, such as the Olympic Games, the Asian Games, F1 racing, the United States NBA League and other major sports events.