十六大报告强调 :“贯彻‘三个代表’重要思想 ,必须以改革的精神推进党的建设 ,不断为党的肌体注入新活力。”这一论述 ,对新世纪新阶段的军队党的制度建设 ,同样具有不容忽视的指导意义。由于制度问题更具根本性、长远性和全局性 ,我们理应以改革的精神审视军队党的制度建设?
The report of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized: “To implement the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ we must push forward party building with the spirit of reform and constantly reinvigorate the party’s body with new vitality.” This statement expounds on the party system in the new phase of the new century Construction, also has the guiding significance that can not be ignored. Due to the more fundamental, long-term and overall problems of the system, should we examine the institutional building of the party in the military in the spirit of reform?